Monday, November 10, 2008

Watch out ... he's mobile!

Yep, Miles is mobile!

We were at a friends home for dinner on Saturday and he inched forward a little. He has been working on crawling for almost a month now... but Saturday night he was able to coordinate the knees and the hands and really go somewhere. And by Sunday there was no stopping him!

We went over to my dad's house on Saturday afternoon and Miles spent the entire time crawling all around Grandpa's living room. Watching his concentration and effort is just so adorable!

And Grey was entertaining and fun this weekend as well. He is doing such a great job at picking up words. He is also learning to string words together. He finally figured out how to say "Grandpa." It sometimes sounds like "Cappu" and sometimes more like "Grandpa"... but the intent is there and that makes Grandpa Doug pretty happy. Other words he learned this week are ice cream, Rueben (character in his favorite movie... more on that later), me, bed, boat and several others. I think my favorite word he says is "fishes." He loves eating Goldfish crackers and he calls them "pishes." Makes me giggle and melts my heart everytime. But the thing he gets most excited about is Grandpa's shop (shoppy) and trucks (trucky) and the keys to get into trucks/cars and the shop. He loves to talk about the keys and the shoppy and the truckies.

Most toddlers like Sesame Street or Barney... but not my little munchkin. He requests, everyday, to watch...

What a funny little weirdo! He asks for "Polly" everyday... and this week he learned Ben Stiller's character's name, Reuben. Jason and I can't figure out the attraction. The first, and obvious, guess is that he likes Rodolpho the ferret. But it seems he could take or leave the ferret. I think he likes how animated Ben Stiller is. But he will sit and eat his pishes and watch that entire movie. He just cracks me up!

We also had family pictures taken two weekends ago. Needless to say, trying to wrangle a 7 month old and a 20 month old, outside, near a waterfall, was a real challenge. Jason and I were both sweating by the end of the photo shoot! hahaha! But she captured some great pictures of the boys and we can't wait to get them and hang them up in our living room.

This week promises to be a fun one! Jana's baby shower is Saturday and Courtney is coming in town!!! I can't wait to meet Brooks! Have a great week!

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